What makes the most wonderful time of the year so wonderful? How does that even happen? There are many reasons, but I think one of them is the kindness that people are often so willing to share. At times I think it’s difficult to remember to be kind and cheerful amongst the busyness of the Christmas season- with buying gifts, spending time with loved ones, doing service projects, and many other activites that compete for our attention. That’s why I think this “Be Merry” sign is a great reminder for us all not to get too caught up in the hectic Christmas activities. Everytime you look at it, it might remind you to stop, take a breath, and be merry because of the magic happening around you. That is what makes the most wonderful time of the year so wonderful.

This unfinished wood craft is simple to finish from home becasue of the individual laser cut wood pieces. You don’t have to worry about accidently painting outside any lasercut lines in the wood block because there aren’t any! All you have to do is paint the individual wood pieces, glue them on, and you’re done!
Because this sign will likely be outside for the season, I recommend painting it instead of using paper or vinyl to finish because paint holds up better in the weather.

Here’s a closer look at the individual wood pieces. So convenient right? The pieces stack together to create a nice finished 3D look. I also think pickup trucks with Christmas trees in the back just look so festive and definitely add to the merriness of the season.
This sign is a perfect reminder to be merry this season! Even amongst the chaos. Available now on our website under the “Christmas” crafts section!